St. “11 Oktomvri” nb. 18, 1000 Skopje
phone: 02 3235 730; fax: 02 3296 901; web site: www.fodsk.org.mk
Officials assigned for mediating public information in the Deposit Insurance Fund are:
Kralja Chesmadjiska, PhD
phone: +389 2 3235 739
e-mail: kraljac@fodsk.org.mk
Information on the procedure for payment of compensation to the heirs of deceased depositors
The heirs of the deceased depositors with the right to compensation
should submit the following documents (SCANNED) to the Deposit Insurance Fund:
• Inheritance Decision
• ID cards of the heirs - scanned on both sides
• Bank account
• Contact telephone number
at the e-mail addresses: irenam@fodsk.org.mk kraljac@fodsk.org.mk
After the internal procedure is processed, the heirs shall be invited at the Deposit Insurance Fund to sign the Inheritance Payment Receipts, as well as to submit original documentation for review.
Antigona Seferi
phone: +389 2 3235 736
e-mail: antigonas@fodsk.org.mk