Deposits that are non-reimbursable
The Fund shall not reimburse the following deposits:
- Deposits of depositors extended under privileged interest terms, other than the ones published by the bank, foreign bank branch or the savings house;
- Deposits of depositors owners of over 5% of the voting shares in a bank, foreign bank branch or savings house;
- Deposits of members of managing bodies of the bank, foreign bank branch or savings house;
- Deposits of family members of direct linage of 1-st degree of the persons referred to in items 2 and 3, spouses and children;
- Deposits related to transactions used for money laundering if the perpetrator has been convicted and the sentence is effective.

In case a depositor has liabilities towards the bank, foreign bank branch or savings house, the total amount of the deposits of the depositor shall be reduced by the amount of the liabilities of the depositor towards the bank, foreign bank branch or savings house.
In cases of joint deposits, the shares of the depositors are considered equal unless otherwise regulated with a contract.